How Does She Do It?

Ep 108: Laurie Morse - Optimize Your Well-Being for Personal and Professional Success

Kara Flowers Season 1 Episode 108

Discover how to optimize your well-being and elevate your personal and professional life! Licensed acupuncturist Laurie Morse shares her extensive knowledge of Chinese medicine to help you unlock your body's innate potential. Learn her practical framework to cultivate health, empowerment, abundance, and fulfillment on a cellular level. Laurie guides driven women to reclaim vibrant well-being and achieve success through accessible practices anyone can incorporate into their daily routine. Tap into your body's wisdom to create the thriving life and business you desire!

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Kara Flowers:

I am joined today by the fabulous Lori Morris. Lori,

Laurie Morse:

welcome to the show. Thank you. It's an honor to be here.

Kara Flowers:

Tell us about yourself.

Laurie Morse:

Sure. So I, I'm a practitioner of Chinese medicine and that's been going on for about 32 years after 10 years in corporate, which we could talk about that transition if you want. But Chinese medicine is, it was kind of a surprise to me that I even found myself on this path, but you know, I was kind of following inner guidance. And so here, here I was, you know, here I found myself and it has taught me. So much about life and nature and health and well being and wholeness and you know, it's just given me Such joy to sit with people, you know, and at this point it's physically literally and virtually and it's like It's like the best thing ever to welcome a human being into this sacred space and and you know work with their energy system Yeah.

Kara Flowers:

Yeah. So you say you work with Chinese medicine. Do you have any like credentials or a specific training that you want our audience to know

Laurie Morse:

about? Yeah. So it's a four year master's program and they do have a PhD program now. And when people ask if I want to go get that, I'm like, I don't think so. It was a hard road, you know, I don't, I don't need to throw myself into two more years of, you know, education. And so. And, you know, since then, you know, in 32 years I've gotten different, you know, certificates and, you know, things that I, like intentional creativity is one

Kara Flowers:

that's beautiful. I'm wanting to just ask specifically about your title, credentials, that way people could know where to find you, what it is you do, they could research it. So could you tell me a little bit about, you said Chinese medicine, and I'll tell you, that means so many things. Does that mean you do acupuncture? Do you work with herbs? Give us a just quick explanation of your training. And how people might connect with what it is that

Laurie Morse:

you do. Okay, so I'm in California, so the titling is called Licensed Acupuncturist, and it's an umbrella under which A lot of things fall actually. So you mentioned it's acupuncture, it's Chinese herbal medicine. All of that is like 5, 000 years old. And I always think to myself, this medicine never would have stood the test of time if it didn't have viability, right? So there's that. Under that umbrella is nutrition. So I specialize in nutrition hormone support for women. And then about 10 years ago, Well, maybe eight. I branched off and created what's called the Sacred Health Academy. And so I just guide mostly women, but some men, you know, are interested too. I, I guide them in claiming their health. You know, it's coded in every single one of our cells and we have 70 trillion cells. There's a blueprint for this health and wholeness. Culturally, it does not look that way. You know, the cultural current of disease is a really. Wild, rapid river, you know,

Kara Flowers:

I want to go back to something that you said, this is the thing that happens with experts and people who are brilliant like you, you start saying things that are so powerful, like, and then I have to

Laurie Morse:

say, Lori, okay, totally interrupt any time. Yeah. Okay. Say this again. We have how many cells? So we have, it's thought, about 70 trillion cells. I mean, sometimes that, that, it's a lot. And inside every one of those cells are 70 trillion atoms. And I mean, I can't do that math, right? Like that's just way beyond my capacity. You can't

Kara Flowers:

imagine 70 trillion anything, right? Anything! Exactly. It's beyond

Laurie Morse:

imagination. Maybe stars. Maybe we could go with the stars. Yeah, but even then, could you like actually

Kara Flowers:

imagine that?

Laurie Morse:

Not our human mind, no. It's

Kara Flowers:

beyond imagination. It is. So we've said trillion cells, 70 trillion atoms. And what significance does that have as it relates to doing work with Chinese

Laurie Morse:

medicine? Yeah. So that's such a brilliant question because inside every one of those atoms and cells, and let's just say cells, right? Let's just talk about it that way, is a, is a blueprint for our health, right? And We get to activate the chi or the life force or the energy that is in every single one of those cells. That is a lot of energy. That is a lot of wholeness, but we've not been taught how to activate it. Right. And that's my superpower. I love everything

Kara Flowers:

that you're saying. I was in L. A. for five fabulous years. I miss it so dearly. Oh! It is truly my happy place. And when I was there, I was struggling with back knee unexpected weight gain, and I couldn't exercise at all. I was raw. Vegan didn't go away. I stopped drinking. It didn't go away. Sugar didn't go away. And it was bad. I had mood swings. I didn't know what was going on. And so I went to a woman who does Chinese medicine, she did acupuncture and she did muscle testing. And my experience with that was, well, my expectation was zero. I had no expectation that it would work. And I'll tell you, it completely transformed my physical health. And it gave me such clarity mentally, which I did not expect. Yeah. It

Laurie Morse:

mentally gave me clarity about what my body was telling me. Yes. Intelligent messages, right? Even though part of our mind is like, go away, go away. You know, we're resisting whatever's going on, but honestly, they're intelligent messages from our system. And when we know how to listen, when you know, this woman, was it a woman that you worked with? Yes. Yeah. Yeah. When she like unpacked it for you, it could become something that you could do and, and be inside yourself.

Kara Flowers:

And I'll tell you, you're so right. I was vegan at the time. And I, at this time in my life, I had been vegetarian or pescetarian for eight years and I was in my second year of veganism. And the intelligent messages to use your language were, Hey working for you. Right. And that was really hard for me because everything I do, I'm evangelical about it. Right. I shout, I'm the person that's like

Laurie Morse:

this morning on the mountaintop. Yeah. You

Kara Flowers:

tell me anything. And I have a big preference for, I, I tell everybody about it. And so I was an evangelical vegan. Yeah.

Laurie Morse:

And I started getting

Kara Flowers:

these intelligent messages. I was craving hot dogs, craving beef, things I had not eaten in almost a decade. Right. Right. Right. It was exactly what you're saying. It was this opportunity for me to listen to what my body was

Laurie Morse:

truly telling me. Bingo, bingo, bingo. That's it. Because our culture, mostly the Western culture is very head based. So we, we do everything from our neck up and we leave out So all of this embodied wisdom and intelligence that in that in those 70 trillion cells, which will put forward messages, if something is right, but our mind, our head wants to just churn about it from a, you know, conceptual intellectual thought. place, right? But our body carries the wisdom. And the cool thing is, is if someone is willing to practice dropping their awareness into their body, and just for a quick thing right now, we can do it together. Like we can drop our awareness into our You know, our butt and the back of our legs on the chair we're sitting on or the feet, we can wiggle our toes. Let's do it. Let's

Kara Flowers:

give an example. Let's exactly. I think a lot of people aren't even aware that they're

Laurie Morse:

in their heads. A hundred percent. They are not even, it's such a habit that if you ask someone, they'd be like, yeah, I'm in my body, but they're not. Yeah. They're not.

Kara Flowers:

And so for the person that's listening, that thinks I'm in mine, I'm in my body. Or the person's like, I have no idea how to do that. Can you give some very simple and practical, a quick way to do that, to drop in, to leave your

Laurie Morse:

head and go to your body. So from your headspace, you're, you're going to take your awareness or your consciousness. This is being directive with our energy, right? We want to learn to be good directors and managers of our energy, and then we can master our energy. Right. But first we have to realize that this is even a thing. In Hollywood. There's directors. Good directors are good directors, right? We all are being called to be good directors of our energy. So directing our consciousness or our awareness from our head space down to just like our Wait

Kara Flowers:

a minute! Okay, you want me to do what? Explain what that means for the person that's like, how do I even direct

Laurie Morse:

that? It's by simply dropping your awareness. You just, if you, if you're a visual person, you can look down into your, like say womb space or in Chinese medicine, it's called Dan Tian. It's that space between your belly button and like, You know, your root center, that space between your legs, right? That's a whole center. That's a whole energy center. And if you just drop your awareness and you imagine that you're looking, you can just intend if you're not a visual person, you intend that you're, you're, you know, your entire awareness is dropping down into that space. And then I don't know if people know that word kegels, but if you squeeze and release, Like you're stopping the flow of urine. You know, we're not going to do kegels, but it's just for the purpose of squeezing and releasing. So there's a sensation lower in your body that you can pay attention to, right? You can squeeze and release your butt cheeks on the chair you're sitting on. Or if you're standing up, it doesn't matter. It's going to bring your awareness to that part of your body. And then if you want to go lower, you can just squeeze your toes, you know, just squeeze. So you're You're dropping awareness by the sensation and the direction of your consciousness to do something that's lower in your body, which brings your attention to that part of your body, which embodies you.

Kara Flowers:

Wow. So we, so we, okay. So we dropped in, right? We've went to the womb space or we've tightened and released a certain part of our body that we want to exist

Laurie Morse:

in. Yeah. Well, I would like to offer a couple of more things because it's lovely to hang out there. But if we really want to activate this, this, this cellular intelligence that we've been talking about, there's like a couple more things that I can add. Is that, is that cool? Yes. So we're down, we're down low. And while we're there, while we're at our feet space or our, you know, our root center, right. Go all the way down. And imagine that. From the bottoms of your feet, there is like a trap door and it opens and your life force drops out and it goes like an anchor wood in the ocean and it goes to the core of mother earth. And then from that place, and again, you don't have to see this. All you're doing is intending it, right? You're just, you're playing with your energy. You're learning how to run your energy on purpose, right? So at your, at the core of mother earth, then you intend that the, Her energy from this core, which is laced with essence and life force and nourishment that we can get nowhere else. Right? You're going to draw it back up. And you can pretend like, because this is true, that you have roots like a tree that are deep under the surface of the earth, right? All trees have these roots. incredible root systems. And that you're drawing this essence up and you're going to drop back in up from the bottoms of your feet, up your legs, up through, come together at your root center, and then up your core and bring it into your heart center. And then just hang out there for a minute. This, I'm saying all this fast, this is a practice. And I will gift your listeners with this practice, right? So, so we don't have to, don't worry if you're thinking like, wait, wait, where am I, you know, am I in the root? Am I in the core? Am I in, you know, right? It's great. I'm just giving you the, the, the general idea. Yeah. And

Kara Flowers:

we'll do a, we'll do a short version of the overview of this too. And thank you for offering the gift, but just to catch the listener up. So you've gotten in to your body and you've went down to some other center

Laurie Morse:

point, some Lower point in your lower point,

Kara Flowers:

and then you have visualized bringing up the essence and the energy and the nourishment from down into the core of the earth. You brought it up to you.

Laurie Morse:

Yes. And then bring it into your heart center. The heart is the, is the pivotal place, right? Like this is, you know, everything without going into too much detail happens at the portal of the heart, because the portal of the heart is what connects us to the universal whole, you know, the, the fabric of the universe. the universe that is actually light and love and intelligence, right? So at that heart center, then the next intention is, is that you ask from your higher self, which is a couple, three feet above you, that it release more light from its own heart center, like a waterfall. So this is an easy thing for most people to imagine that there's a waterfall of light because there is coming down from our higher self and dropping into the top of our head. And then dropping and flowing down like a waterfall would and meeting the energy in the heart from what we pulled up from mother earth. And when these two energies combine, it's like a mini big bang. You know, this is the alpha and the omega, the yin and the yang, the masculine and the feminine coming together for a dance in your heart, in each of our hearts. Like that's a big deal to set up. Right. And as that energy is flowing like a waterfall, it's, it's, it's, easier to reach. If you, if you don't have it in your mind's eye, then go online and Google waterfall and just watch, you know, watch a waterfall so that you can imagine, Oh, right. That's what's coming into the top of my head, going into my heart center. And then just like a fountain in a park, it's filling it's go. It's so filled to overflowing that it's going into every cell of our body. Beautiful. And the, yeah. And this fills us with intelligence. It activates that blueprint of wholeness in ourselves and it centers us, it grounds, connects and centers us in a way that gives us access to solutions and creative ideas and wording and connection with others. And

Kara Flowers:

so this exercise. Is something that you can do just as a practice, maybe a daily practice, to just center yourself, to ground yourself, and to get into your body, to really activate that cellular intelligence, right?

Laurie Morse:

It's yes, a hundred percent. And I do recommend for people, and we talk about this in the little five day, five day energy kickstart that we're going to pass along to your listeners. If, don't just do it in the morning, cause it's lovely to do it in the morning, but then we go, you know, five seconds off of, you know, off of our meditation or, you know, intentional space that we set up in the morning, it's gone. So find an association throughout the day. Like I drink a lot of tea. So every time I go to the bathroom, I set this up so that there's less and less time that I'm distracted, disconnected and off center. Okay.

Kara Flowers:

So what's this really for? I mean, as I'm listening to you, I obviously am a fan of Chinese medicine. I have my own long relationship with stillness, meditation, prayer, visualization. As a master practitioner of neuro linguistic programming. Awesome. I really understand what you're saying. And I think some people may not think this is for them. They may not know when to use it and why to use it. Who's this for? Who should be using this?

Laurie Morse:

Practically speaking. Yeah, practically speaking. So this is one of the things that one of my deep, dark nights of the soul taught me. And, and it's a practice. So as I say these things, as if it's so simple and you know, it, it may only sound that way because I am so embedded in this now because of my practice and what I know to be true, Chinese medicine, religion, spiritual paths, you know, philosophies, all of those are, Spokes in a wheel that lead to the same center. And that center is our true nature. And our true nature is a co creative dance with the source of all life. That is what we came into human form to embody and be a vessel for, if you will. But like we said earlier, most of us are cut off from that because we headspace, right? So. I would argue vehemently that our purpose as a human being is to bridge the gap between our human self, which is what we have all our focus on, and our more sacred or divine self, right? And so we're bridging the gap, we're bridging the gap, and this practice helps to bridge that gap so that we come together as a, as an instrument of the light of the light force that is all of life. So there's no human being on the planet. Who couldn't benefit from

Kara Flowers:

this. Okay, great. I get that. And you know what, I have to tell you, when I first started doing NLP and I started doing mental and emotional work and release work and breakthrough work through the program that I have called Freedom Day, I was like, oh my gosh, this is going to help everybody. You know, I mean, that's the reality is anything that releases

Laurie Morse:

people from a mental or an emotional block or burden can be 100 percent one.

Kara Flowers:

However, that doesn't speak to people, right? So I'm wondering from your perspective and in your expertise and people that typically

Laurie Morse:

come to you. Yes. What are people

Kara Flowers:

coming to you with? the heavy things that they carry, that they, that you help them get into their body and activate

Laurie Morse:

that cellular intelligence for. Yes. So most people come with something that they think they're coming for, but it's actually something else. Yeah. So it's actually, people come with back pain and neck pain. And I just had a gal yesterday and you know, she, she, yeah, so we, she was here two years ago and then COVID and blah, blah. And so anyway, now she's back. And I said, well, you know, tell me, tell me, what you would like this medicine to serve you for. And she said, well, I've got this neck pain. I've got a lot of stress. She has a high, you know, kind of high power job. And I said, okay. And because we've worked together before you realize that there are other layers to these things. And do I have your permission to talk about those? You know, cause your soul is calling you to evolve. Through what you're calling neck pain, but is really more right? So everyone thinks you had this. You had back knee and you had, you know, inflammation, you had all this stuff and you were going to a Chinese medicine practitioner for what you initially thought. I know you said you had no expectations, but you were hoping, I imagine otherwise you wouldn't have gone that that would have changed, but you got more than that. So what I know to be true is that. Will this medicine and lots of, there's a lot now available, you know, on the smorgasbord or the buffet of options for people to heal, right. And liberate themselves from their mental and emotional tangles. We all have them. We all have traumas. We have belief systems. We have cultural norms that we've been born into. We drop into this matrix of programmed beliefs. And I believe we sit on a soul level. Drop me in. Let me at it. Because I know that it's a maze, but I will find my way and I will get the cheese, you know, in the, in the maze, so to speak, and the cheese is freedom. It's freedom from emotional heaviness and from the things that we keep repeating over and over in our life. And I can't even tell you how many times I've heard people say, damn it, I thought, I thought I went already healed that, you know, and now here it is again. Like that's, it's all it is, is our, is our higher wisdom helping us know that now is the time. If something is in our face, now is the time to do whatever we know to do to offer release to that energy that's stuck in our body because everything is energy, right? And whatever means we have, and if we can't do it ourselves, and most, most of us can't, then we need help. We need other, you know, guidance and support.


Kara Flowers:

That's fascinating. I mean, I agree that. A lot of what shows up for us in life, whatever challenges may be physical, mental, emotional, they all come with some opportunity for a lesson. And that can be a hard pill to swallow when, maybe the thing that shows up is cancer. Maybe it shows up is amputation. Maybe the thing

Laurie Morse:

that shows up violence war being on the street. It's a hundred percent true. It's very hard for the head. It's not as hard for the heart.

Kara Flowers:

Yeah, that's interesting that you're making that distinction. In a similar, I guess, kind of related way, when I was pregnant with my

Laurie Morse:

first kid which was

Kara Flowers:

not so long ago, cause they're both very small. I have two under two. Wow. Wow. Yeah. When I was pregnant with her, I got an acute realization of how different Entrepreneurship was for women than it is for men. And, you know, I have always tended to lean towards a more traditionally masculine persona. Okay. Let's not dive into what that means, but just take it for face value.

Laurie Morse:


Kara Flowers:

so I never had a strong identity as a woman, or I'm knowing of what that meant for me until really until I gave birth. When I was pregnant, I couldn't believe how much of my body took the energy that I had been using in my head to crush my marketing, my lead generation, to lead with incredible energy and passion and put makeup on every day and do my hair and decorate my home and organize and cook and do it. And the moment that I became pregnant, all of that energy went towards.

Laurie Morse:

This life. This life growing

Kara Flowers:

this amazing little seed into a real human. And that was a lesson that I had no idea. I

Laurie Morse:

would learn. Yeah. Yeah. Didn't see it coming. Didn't see it coming. And it

Kara Flowers:

completely transformed the way I looked at entrepreneurship, the way that I looked at women in business and even the way that I lead clients. It just, again, at a C a cellular intelligence taught me something about the exact nature of humanity that I had no way of knowing except for experiencing and listening to. Yes. Yes. Yes. And I have to say, I think a lot of my awareness, my body came from being for three years in the office for acupuncture, for Chinese medicine, for muscle testing, for just learning how to listen to that. I mean, truly transformed my own awareness.

Laurie Morse:

Yeah. Yeah. And I mean, that's such a beautiful story. Do you mind if I ask you like now as the mom of two that you are and having gone through that with your own body prior to that being more masculine, you know, masculine focused, how, how is that balance different for you?

Kara Flowers:

Oh, it does not even an existence. That was like an old paradigm that I had about masculine energy, feminine energy. It was such a silly way to look at the world.

Laurie Morse:

Well, but it's part of our cultural programming, right? So you, you didn't have a choice until you knew different. Right. Right. A

Kara Flowers:

hundred percent. I just find that even the more that I was talking about masculine energy, feminine energy, left side is feminine, right side is masculine. The more that I was talking about it, the more it became a focus and the more I became obsessed with it. And then the way that our society is today, the things that are in the popular media media, it's all about. Identity. It's all about

Laurie Morse:

masculine versus feminine division. It's so much about

Kara Flowers:

that, that it became consuming almost like a black hole. And it didn't serve, it did not serve me. And even when I think about the people in my world, whether it's clients, my husband, my friends, that conversation

Laurie Morse:

never served us. Yeah, well, division does not serve us. And this is the point. I think the di, this is a really good point, is, I guess what I meant to say. I think the divi, so everything that's projected onto the world screen, so to speak, is nothing more than the collective consciousness, right? So how do we change the world by each of us, one at a time, tending to the divisions in ourselves, divisions such as. The disconnection from our head and our heart, you know, the divisions of holding masculine and feminine, not, you know, separate, divided, not as a, as a, as a one, right? Like before it lands as energy into our system, it's not divided. Light carries love. Love nourishes light. That's the yin and the yang principle that can never be divided. We divide it in our own. Distortions, right? But when we let it, this is why I love these water, the waterfall of light, because this, you know, I know that your question is, well, how to make this more like practical and realistic, especially to people who've never heard this before and how weird is this, right? But I will tell every listener that if you would just give this a chance for, let's just say 30 days, it will teach you. It will teach you. I can tell you that light and love as a, as a. Non disconnected force of life has taught me everything I know. That's beautiful.

Kara Flowers:

One thing that I've learned in my wild spiritual journey, I grew up Christian evangelical. In my teens I fell away from that because I had very poor church leadership and found out some horrific things that were happening that explained why I didn't have good leadership. And then I was in what I call the period of darkness for about 17, 18 years before I started really seeking God and to be one with God and to learn actually a shaman who was a good friend of mine still. It was coming to my home. We used to do soul journeys and soul retrieval journeys. I was asking her what my morning,

Laurie Morse:

Intention should be. And she said,

Kara Flowers:

you should seek to know God. And so I did, faithfully. I started every morning to know God, to know God, to know God. And then God showed up. And when God showed up as Jesus, I was very resistant. And not open, but terrified of the energy that I felt. And over the next couple of months, I continued to pray the prayer and I continued to be open to whatever was being uncovered to me. And when I had sort of the that spiritual rapture, that moment where I realized that this eternal size hole would never be filled by anything other than,

Laurie Morse:

yes, exactly. And when that happened to me

Kara Flowers:

and I'm on my knees in the bathroom, crying my eyes out, realizing my God, I have a Hindu goddess tattooed on my back. I had been practicing all of this stuff that has not been serving me,

Laurie Morse:

but did

Kara Flowers:

teach me how to connect with God, even though I didn't know The God that I was talking to was Christ all along. When

Laurie Morse:

I had that moment, everything changed for me.

Kara Flowers:

And what I learned from that journey was that Chinese medicine,

Laurie Morse:

meditation, tuning

Kara Flowers:

into our body, Qi, all of these things that you are an expert in, they have a place. in understanding as who we are as humans. Yes. But now as a believer and as a Christian, I simply focus on my creator. I'll take a meditation like the beautiful one you've offered, and I imagine Christ pouring into me.

Laurie Morse:

That's, that's exactly right. I'm thinking

Kara Flowers:

about how many years

Laurie Morse:

in Chinese medicine? 32. I think it's 33 now. Yeah. Take

Kara Flowers:

us back, all the way back, even before you were in Chinese medicine and tell us. Where you were before you started your journey as a professional, what was influencing you? What was your life

Laurie Morse:

like? Yeah, yeah. Well, I guess I should start when I was in corporate, you know, I went into corporate after college thinking, well, that's the thing you do. And you mentioned this before. Entrepreneurship isn't the same for women and neither is corporate and so anybody who's been in corporate or any, any industry, honestly, it's, it's not the same for women. And while it's better than it was, let's say in the 1950s or 40s or whatever, it's still not the same. But I knew, I mean, the corporate journey was just sucking me dry. I could feel it. I could feel my soul being sucked dry. And I thought, you know, this isn't, this isn't me. This isn't right for me. And I, I, you know, at the time I was reading all those books, you know, what colors your parachute and do what you love and the money will follow. And I remember exactly where I was when I was doing all the little tests in the book. And what I. got myself to at that point was health, something health related. I had no idea Chinese medicine existed. I never heard the word acupuncture. I mean, this was now like, you know, whatever. 40 years ago, but I knew that I had to find the thing I knew I wanted to wake up every day and feel some degree of passion like Monet and Mozart felt, you know, like they got to wake up and and be passionate about what they did. I wanted that. I didn't know what it was but I wanted it. So I'm worked in health food restaurants and, you know, I manage health food, not health food health. Health, gyms, health, not spas, workout

Kara Flowers:

places, gyms, like fitness centers,

Laurie Morse:

gyms here in San Diego. And, and I was getting close, but it still wasn't it. But as a manager of the health club, I got a perk of a massage once a month. And that woman who massaged me was going to acupuncture school. So she would tell me basically, she was telling me all the gossip and who was sleeping with who, but she, I knew that it was this acupuncture Chinese medicine thing. You know, and one day I was driving down the street where that that school was on and a little silent, you know, that still silent voice, the voice of spirit said, stop at the Pacific College. And I was reading books too. I was reading like the, you know, what does Yin and Yang mean and all that stuff. And I really didn't understand what I was reading, but there was like an attraction to it. So I remember even as answering that. little voice in my head. I, I thought, well, I already know about it because Linda, this massage therapist goes there. And there was one street that if I didn't turn on that street, I would go all the way down a hill and there'd be no way to get back to this college. So I turned because I knew that I should listen and I'm getting out of my car and I'm walking up the stairs and thinking to myself, I don't even know what I'm going to ask these people. You know, I get up to the top of the stairs and this lovely woman sitting behind a desk. And so I said, well, can I just see your curriculum? And I sit down and I start flipping through this book of, you know, all the classes and I kid you not, my cells started dancing. I will never forget that feeling. And I thought, Oh my God, I have to do this. And it's almost like my decision to do that and how everything unfolded because I made the decision that this is the path I was going to take. I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

Kara Flowers:

Let's pause there because that is a powerful moment.

Laurie Morse:

It was very powerful. And I

Kara Flowers:

wonder how many people have had that experience that it, even that knowing of that you should do something. I like how you said that your cells started dancing.

Laurie Morse:

Yeah, it's the, it was the feeling I had. There was, it was unmistakable.

Kara Flowers:

Fantastic. And you have this powerful feeling, you know that you're supposed to do it. Do you do it?

Laurie Morse:

I do it. I do it. I have no idea how I'm going to do it, but I just, I didn't even think about like, Oh my God, how am I going to do that? I just kept putting one foot in front of the other. I sign up. I don't even remember all the steps. There were a lot of steps, you know, I had to transcripts and blah, blah, all the things, and you know, it took me about, I think about almost a year before I was actually enrolled and in my first class and all I can tell you, Cara, is that every single step of the journey, and it was challenging, I mean, it wasn't an easy thing to do. for years, right? Tests and national boards and state boards and all that. I mean, it was, and it was a way of learning. It was a theory that is, was very unusual, you know, not the common Western mindset, right? So I had to kind of change the way I thought, but I adored every, and I still adore everything that has to do with this

Kara Flowers:

path. That's amazing. I find that when we make big decisions off of that space, that state, when we are just ecstatic about something, they have a way of working out and in an unpredictable path. It's like following, it's truly listening to the voice of God and truly saying yes to the thing that you know was right, even though you can't explain it. It's something else that I find is after we say yes, we tend to get hit. We say yes and we leap and it feels like you're flying and then we immediately get tested. Anything like that happen for you?

Laurie Morse:

What I've learned is that when we say yes to something, it's almost always going to be an upgrade or, you know, we're going to be elevating ourselves, which Since everything is energy, it's an energetic upgrade. And what I've observed and witnessed and felt in my own self is that everything that isn't that is going to then show itself so that it can be integrated into our decision, integrated into our choices as we walk the path, released, if that's what, you know, we need, if we need to release something, old, old thoughts, old, Beliefs, whatever. And I don't personally, I don't think that of that as a test. I think of it now. I didn't always, I think of it now as, Oh, okay. Okay. This is some energy that needs my attention, not resistance, but my attention, my acceptance, you know, bringing it back into my center, if you will. Okay.

Kara Flowers:

That's a beautiful way to look at it that you probably worked on

Laurie Morse:

I have worked on it. Yes, because I have resisted for a long time. I'm thinking

Kara Flowers:

about the person who's listening to this that's saying like, I have that feeling about doing something. I have that ecstatic state inside of me. My cells are dancing. And I've jumped and I've leapt into something and I'm facing a lot of challenges. I'm wondering what, however you want to frame it now, those things certainly

Laurie Morse:

happen. They do. Almost every step of the way. You have anything that

Kara Flowers:

you can recall? A specific thing that was challenging for you along this path, saying yes to the thing that made you dance that you can give us the wisdom about later, but can you remember what like the next big challenge was?

Laurie Morse:

Yeah, I think, I think the next big challenge was, because I was single, which was, you know, good news and bad news. I mean, good news in that I didn't have to tend to family at that time. So I could really focus on this journey, but I also had to take care of myself and, and make money and work. And, you know, and, Study like literally I studied from morning till night. Now, a lot of people would be not interested in that kind of devotion, but I didn't know how else to get through it. You know, I, my mother is someone who feels like she was not smart. And I was actually born on her birthday. So a lot of the energy that she carries, I, I brought, I came in with, and I've had to work through a lot, a lot of fear. I had this healer once and when I was in my late twenties say, actually it was while I was on this path, the Chinese medicine path, she said, Oh my God, you brought in so much fear with you in this lifetime. It's like you have your whole lineage worth of fear, but you, you. You know, agreed to that so that you could work through it. I've literally been working through fear since I've been, you know, a teenager. So all of that is part of the weave, you know, and I could have let fear stop me. I could have said, you know, I've done the corporate thing for 10 years. It's what I know I'm going to stay. But

Kara Flowers:

let's get specific for the listener. That's like, Yeah, but I, I, she's saying fear, but I'm having this issue, right? Like, can you recall if you can,

Laurie Morse:

if you can't, that's okay. I know some of this stuff is so, yeah, I think what you're asking in terms of a specific is there were nights when I cried myself to sleep because I didn't know how I was going to keep myself going through school because I, it was hard to, work. There wasn't enough time to work for as much as the, you know, I needed to pay for school and buy food, you know, so it was really, really hard. But also, you know, the universe gifted me this place to live that I got to pay low rent and it was beautiful and it nourished my soul. So there's always going to be, from my way of seeing it, a coin and on one side of the coin is the hard stuff. And on the other side of the coin is, is how life is trying to help me through the hard stuff if I let it. Yeah. And so, you know, I don't know if that answers your question.

Kara Flowers:

Yeah, absolutely. Really, really fascinating. So let's talk about a few things that I know are important to you as we wind down our conversation. And I know you mentioned you have sort of a HEAL framework. I think we've covered a

Laurie Morse:

lot about oh yeah the HEAL framework right

Kara Flowers:

emotional healing and things like that. But give us just the quick version of what the HEAL framework

Laurie Morse:

is. Yes, Okay. So it just dropped in some years back. I was going to actually paint it on my office. I was in last time. So HEAL to me is an acronym for this blueprint that we've been talking about. We all get to live into the divine design for our life. If we're interested, if we let it, if we let ourselves, we're all on a spectrum, you know, there's some people who like, none of these words would make sense to them. Like they're not ready for this. Right. And then on the other end of the spectrum, there's the people who are like, yeah, let me add it. Let me have all my light and all, you know, all the love that that carries.

Kara Flowers:

And let's talk to, to that person, the person that's like listening and like, what does this woman do? I want the framework. Okay. Got it. Give it to us. So

Laurie Morse:

HEAL is an acronym for health and this, this complete, we are not supposed to live unhealthy. Right? Like that's just what is. Culturally we do, but disease is actually not our true state. It's not part of the divine design. So health, empowerment, and ease. Most of us live in tension almost 24 seven, hardly can even get out of it when we're sleeping. Right? Right? So empowerment means. Our capacity to be so grounded, so connected and so centered that we operate from that place. And that is powerful, right? Like that's a presence of power. We're not, we're not abusing power. We're not abdicating power. We're centered in our true power. So that's the H and the E. And then the A is abundance. We're supposed to be thriving, not surviving. We are not supposed to be scat scratching and clawing for our meals and for the roofs over our head and all the things. Obviously there's a difference between thriving and excess consumerism. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about, you know, the things that we require and desire to live a beautiful life, right. To that, that kind of thriving. And then the L in the heel is love. That's who we are. We're finding our way to being embodied and, and calling that energy to us, through us and into the life around us. I said earlier that our, you know, people want the peace in the world. People want the wars to stop. People want, you know, health. People want all these things, but we can't have it until each of us do our own part. It only takes, you only have to do your part. I do my part. For each person listening, just tend to your own inner peace. energy, right? And then you will automatically be expressing an energy that is more healthy for the pool of consciousness. And that is what tips the scales for the world to shift. It's not going to be by policies. It's not going to be by the next president. I mean, we can think that, but if we do that at ignoring our own inner terrain, it is at the peril of continuing the same thing we've been doing for centuries. Interesting. Interesting.

Kara Flowers:

And the Okay, the HEAL framework one more time. Break down the acronym. It's Yes.

Laurie Morse:

Health, Empowerment in Needs, Abundance, and Love. For anyone

Kara Flowers:

who's listening, saying, I need to connect with this Lori Morris, how do they find you? How can they best

Laurie Morse:

connect with you? Yeah, I think the best, like the first place to start would be to jump into this five day energy. kickstart I have, because it will teach you these things we're talking about how to ground, how to connect, how to run your energy, how to be present, how to use breath, you know, and your purpose, right? Like those are the five P's, so to speak. And it's a really, this is like

Kara Flowers:

foundation. And where can they find it? Can you give us the,

Laurie Morse:

Yeah. Do you have, are you going to have in the show notes, the the link to that? Okay. So it's just, it's www. sacredhealth. com slash five dash kickstart. You know, it's too much for people to remember. So you'll have the link in the show notes.

Kara Flowers:

Okay. And how about this then let's give them also

Laurie Morse:

your website. Yeah. I was just going to say on my website, which is create to heal studio. com. Everything you would want is on there. The five day kickstart. There's a free. Book download if you want. The Sacred Health Academy can be accessed through there. All the goods are there. Yeah. Create to heal studio. com. And

Kara Flowers:

do you have any Instagram social media

Laurie Morse:

handles? I do. Yeah. It's mainly Acculory Morse. So facebook. com slash Acculory Morse Instagram, you know, at, at Acculory Morse and LinkedIn.

Kara Flowers:

Perfect. And Laurie, who are you looking to connect with specifically? Yeah,

Laurie Morse:

that's a good question. Hardly anybody asked that. What I've learned, I'm 62, right? So I know that at this phase in my life, there's been some wisdom gathered. There's this feeling of, okay, you know, I've done a lot of things and now I wanna like have impact. I wanna have impact in myself, in my community, around me, and however broader each individual would wanna go with that. It doesn't matter. You know, I had a spiritual teacher tell me once, if all you did is sit in a closet and stay connected to life, that would be enough So it's like, oh, interesting. Huh? Right. But the point is, the point is that's how important and potent that practice of, of staying in that connected place is. Everything else is gravy, right? Doing podcasts and putting needles in people for acupuncture and you know, all that stuff. It's, it's, it's literally gravy. It's the connection that's the key. So Who

Kara Flowers:

are you specifically looking

Laurie Morse:

to connect? So it's mainly women looking toward or in the second half of her life who There's she's struggling with her health. Maybe she has low energy weight that she can't get rid of high inflammation. Maybe she's not sleeping great. You know, those, those kinds of things show up in, you know, in this phase of life. And if you don't have a way of, navigating back to balance, right? And, and health, then it, then you don't, we one doesn't have much to give not only to oneself, but to one's family and the larger circle, right? So I love working with those women because I want her to be empowered and whole and healthy because I know the world will be impacted by that. Fantastic.

Kara Flowers:

Wow, I've learned so much from this conversation from you. Thank you for taking the time to really just dive into the intricacies and the interesting language and the way we understand who we are at a very cellular level through the lens of Chinese medicine. Truly fascinating

Laurie Morse:

conversation today, Laurie. Yeah, I agree. And thank you for your questions. They were good. And they, they drew out those intricacies that I tend to gloss over because it's my favorite conversation and I talk about it all day long. So, right.

Kara Flowers:

I feel like we can talk about this for till midnight or more exactly. All right. Thank you so much for being on the show today, Laurie

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